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Scientific Writing

Our team creates medical articles, understandable scientific content and educational outputs for pharmaceutical and device companies, regulatory bodies, academia, educators, and lay audiences. After 25 years, there can be few outputs we have not worked on.

Medical Device Writing

Devices are fun. Some 15-20 years ago, developers could bring their creations to the market with limited regulatory constraints. Collapsing hip implants and leaking breast prosthesis have changed all this. The marketing requirements have become increasingly complex, approaching the level of detail typically required for most medicines. This shift has created a need for new, more comprehensive documentation.

Further areas of activity include in-vitro diagnosis, hybrid products which are both a device and a medicine, and the growing world of health Apps. Our digital division, Scividigital, can help with online patient and clinical management tools, as well as seeking reimbursement.

Medical writing

Regulatory Writing

Compliance with regulations, guidelines, and standard operating procedures ensures efficacy and patient safety. The ever-increasing demands of industry and regulatory bodies has led to a growing need for specialists who are able to deliver complex documentation and address challenging questions. Many in our team enjoy diving into the data and the structured approach required of regulatory writing

© 2025 by Stgilesmedical Ltd.

United Kingdom: Stgilesmedical Ltd.  Business address: Stgilesmedical Ltd, Studio 616, The Shepherds Building,

Charecroft Way, London, UK. W14 0EE. Company registration: 08849119. VAT Nr: 211771142.


Germany: Stgilesmedical GmbH. Business address: Charlottenburger Innovations-Centrum, Bismarckstraße 10-12, 10625 Berlin. Registry court: Amtgericht Charlottenburg, HRB Nr. 188939 B. USt-Id Nr. DE 313980662. Geschäftsführer: Walker. 

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