Medical Education
It is a privilege to teach and build material which aid learning. This is especially satisfying where it helps patients and disease management.
The trend now is for short burst i.e. microlearning. This can be in the form of short live presentations, online events, 5-10 minute heath films or ‘how to do it’ outputs at the point of care.
The team at St Gilesmedical comprises medics scientific writers and degree-level educators. We creates impactful educational meetings and scientific contents for healthcare professionals, industry, academia, charities and lay audiences. Recent examples include filmed updates on NICE Guideline, a hybrid conference exploring the problem of persistent medically unexplained symptoms and supporting the World Patient Safety Day as part of activities by the German vfa (Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V.)

On a different level, it is a stimulating to provide pro bono hosting for undergraduate students from Imperial College London and the University of Oxford
Similarly, spending time with us in London & Berlin and our essential online Medical Communications course helps postgraduates develop their career and become familiar with a particular topic or range of skills.